Spiritual Life


If you would like to have your child baptised, please get in touch to find out more and to sign up to the next available preparation course.

For more information please email Kerry:  cppbaptism@gmail.com

First Holy Communion

If your child is in school year 3 or above and you would like them to receive their First Holy Communion, please get in touch to find out more and to sign up to the next available preparation course.  These usually run September – May.


For more details, please email John:  cppfhc@gmail.com


If your child is in school year 10 or above and would like to be confirmed, please get in touch to find out more and to sign up to the next available preparation course.  These usually run September-May.

For more details, please email Adrienne: cppconfirmation@gmail.com


One years notice is required before a wedding can take place. This time is required for the couple to have meetings with Fr Con, for the necessary paperwork to be organised and for marriage preparation to be attended. We can only take bookings for weddings if there is a connection with the parish or if the bride and/or groom live in the parish area. Couples should contact the parish office initially to make an appointment to see Fr Con and a provisional date for the wedding can be made at that time.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the rite through which adults are received into the Catholic Church.

If you are thinking of becoming a Catholic or would like to find out more about our faith, then please do get in touch by contacting the parish office.

Anointing of the sick

If a relative is unwell at home, the family can contact the parish office to request a visit from Fr Con to administer the Sacrament of the Sick. If the Sacrament is required in an emergency for someone in hospital, one of the hospital staff will contact the priest who is on the hospital emergency rota, Fr Con is on this rota.


In order to arrange a Requiem Mass or a service at a crematorium, families should initially contact an undertaker, who will liaise with the parish office to arrange a date and time agreeable to the family and Fr Con, who will then see the family to discuss details of the service itself.

Daily Prayers

Mass Readings

Donation Dates
Application Form Application Form The Stations of the Resurrection.pdf

Please click to download the stations of the cross booklet

Christ the Prince of Peace Catholic Church

Christ the Prince of Peace is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton.  Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity 252878

Copyright © 2024  Christ the Prince of Peace Church.  All rights reserved.   Designed by Andy Rodrigues