Apostolate of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Our parish has a strong devotion to Eucharistic Adoration. There is a rota to ensure there is a minimum number of three adorers per hour slot. From time to time we also hold 24 Hours with the Lord Eucharistic Adoration events which are well supported by parishioners.
We are very grateful to all those who can pledge themselves to spending one hour a week before the Blessed Sacrament. We are always looking for more people. Please use the contact cppadoration@gmail.com
Get Involved
The Weybridge Catenian Circle is part of an international association of Catholic men of all ages, who meet socially, normally once a month.
Our aim is to strengthen family life through friendship and faith. Our meetings reflect this with a balance between social activity and prayer plus continuing contact with sick members and widows of members.
Our social events include meals together, Carols at Christmas, an annual quiz. There is also the opportunity to visit other Circles in Surrey and elsewhere. Golf also thrives in the association.
For more information please contact Patrick Bolger on patbolger68@gmail.com
Catholic Women’s League
The CWL was founded in 1906 by Margaret Fletcher under the patronage of St Margaret Clitheroe to encourage Catholic women to take an active part in parish life and also to promote national and international spiritual and social needs.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 2pm in the parish hall. Anyone interested in finding out more about us is welcome to come to our meetings or contact us through the parish office.
Justice and Peace
Our parish based group is part of the National Justice and Peace Network. The mission of J&P is to work with all who share the Church’s commitment to bring good news of Christ’s love and peace to people who are poor, oppressed or excluded.
Our group meets every 6 weeks in one of the parish rooms and once a year we meet up with other deanery groups. We pray, organise Holy Hours and Stations of the Cross and have a yearly Mass with other groups from our deanery.
For more information please contact the parish office.
Medjugorje Prayer Group
The Medjugorje prayer group is for all people whether they have been to Medjugorje or not. We meet every Thursday in the Church at 8pm for one hour during which we pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. At the meeting we have a basket for personal intentions and place a beautiful statue of Our Lady, which has been blessed in Medjugorje, beside the exposed Eucharist. The meeting always follows the same familiar format which includes music, singing, silent prayer time, readings from the Bible and a Medjugorje message.
For more information please contact wey.medj@gmail.com
Mother’s Prayers and Grandmother’s Prayers
Mothers Prayers was started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world with contacts in over 100 Countries and has the approval, support and blessing of Christian leaders of all denominations. There are now thousands of groups around the world. Two grandmothers, Veronica and her sister-
We have many Mothers Prayers groups in the school and parish held in different homes, of mothers and grandmothers. A group can be as small as 2 or as large as 8 people.
If you are interested in learning more or joining a group, contact Mary Lee at the parish office and she will be able to advise you.
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
The St Vincent de Paul Society is an international Christian voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need.
The SVP group in Weybridge made over 1,000 visits in a previous year. This was done with a small team of volunteers who willingly gave up their time to cover the following areas:
The group meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8pm for one hour to share experiences and identify any new demands in the Weybridge area. You can either join as a member if you want to attend the meetings or join as an auxiliary if you cannot make the meetings. SVP offers the opportunity to help others, the small amount of time involved can make a significant difference to those we help.
For more information please contact cppsvpweybridge@gmail.com
"I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power, proclaim the word . . ." -
Readers help to deliver the good news by reading the First Reading (Old Testament), The Psalm (when not sung), the Second Reading (New Testament) and the Bidding Prayers during Mass. Therefore, they must be comfortable with public speaking and proficient with diction, enunciation, pronunciation, and projection. The youth also get the opportunity to perform this role in our monthly youth Mass.
A rota is regularly produced for readers based on what Masses they attend. There are normally two readers needed for each Mass. If you wish to become a reader please email carmennarbona57@gmail.com
Altar Serving
To become an Altar Server you must have made your First Holy Communion. We welcome servers just after having made their First Holy Communion, or any time after that (Children and Adults).
We provide training to new servers, and we hold training sessions for experienced servers annually. Servers are welcome to serve at the Mass their family regularly attends.
The Parish is a Guild member of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen, who is the patron Saint of Altar Servers.
To make an enquiry please email cppaltarservers@gmail.com
Parish Charities
Overseas Charity -
Every three years the parish selects an overseas charity to support through fundraising, prayer and other initiatives.
The parish’s current overseas charity is Kimbo:
Project Kimbo is the initiative of Christ the Prince of Peace parish to support a parish community in Uganda. We are building a church, supporting the parish school and providing resources so that this community may continue to grow in faith and love. We raise funds through events and donations.
For more information on parish fundraising for this important charity please email cppprojectkimbo@gmail.com
Local Charity -
Every three years the parish selects a charity closer to home which we can support through fundraising, prayer and other initiatives. The parish’s current home charity is Momentum:
Momentum works with local hospitals to support families whose children have cancer or another life challenging condition. For more information please visit www.momentumcharity.org
For more information on parish fundraising for this important charity please email cppmomentumwey@gmail.com
The Diocese is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. Supported by and in compliance with the policies and procedures of the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service of England and Wales, we are striving towards a culture of safeguarding where all are safe from harm and abuse and where everyone is encouraged and enabled to enjoy the fullness of life In Jesus Christ through the prayerful, nurturing, supportive and protective endeavours of the Catholic Community, both individually and collectively.. It is the firm expectation of the Bishop, Trustees and Safeguarding Commission that all those working with vulnerable groups including children, young people or adults at risk, undertake Diocesan Safeguarding Awareness Training. This is not dependent on their role being eligible for a DBS check. The Diocesan Safeguarding Commission fully expects all those engaged in this important ministry to complete the mandatory training. Completion of this training is required if individuals wish to continue working with vulnerable groups.
For those who have completed diocesan face to face training in the last 3 years, their training requirements are up to date. For those who have not completed diocesan Safeguarding Training in the last 3 years they must complete the relevant online EduCare/Tes module(s):
If they are involved in ministry with Children they must complete the EduCare Child Protection module.
If they are involved in ministry with Vulnerable Adults/Adults at Risk (e.g. as an Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion) they must complete the EduCare Safeguarding Adults module.
If they are engaged in online ministry they must complete the EduCare Online Safety module
Safeguarding Representative: Nancy Accary-
Children’s Liturgy
This group meets every Sunday during the 10:30am Mass during term time. Parents/carers accompany their young children (up to age 7) to learn about the Gospel in an age-
Please contact Lucy for more information cppyoungparishionerscoord@gmail.com
“Is there more to life than this?” Anyone asking themselves this question is invited to engage with our Alpha course. This could be yourself or someone you know.
Alpha provides an open, friendly, informal and relaxed way to discuss and explore our beliefs and faith (and challenges), while sharing a meal and watching a video in a groups of 10 people or so. Alpha is for everyone; all backgrounds, all contexts, all ages.
This is a great opportunity to explore your beliefs and make new friends! Invite your friends and book your places at cppalpha2017@gmail.com
Church Cleaning
This Ministry is a Service to the Parish community as a whole so that we may feel more comfortable in Church for our public and private worship. The cleaners work as a team taking different tasks such as sweeping, polishing or dusting benches, hoovering carpets in the nave, sanctuary and narthex and cleaning the windows in the narthex.. The work is undertaken in a prayerful and quiet atmosphere respecting the need that some visitors to the Church may need to pray.
The Cleaners are on a Rota either as a team or as individuals according to circumstances. Usually the Church is cleaned on a Friday morning. However arrangements can be made for specific cleaning to take place at other times. It takes about two hours. Cleaning materials are provided. If you would like to join the team please email cpppastoralassistant@gmail.com
Our music ministry is an integral part of every liturgical celebration at CPP. Each Mass has a distinct character and speaks to people with varying tastes in music from traditional to contemporary Christian. We are always looking for talented vocalists and instrumentalists of all ages. For information on how to join the Music Ministry please email cppmusicgroup@gmail.com
The Flower Ministry designs and creates floral arrangements for the altar on a weekly basis and for special liturgical seasons and feast days.
Flowers enrich the liturgical experience because they reflect the beauty of God’s love for us in His creation. We share in Christ’s message of new life and rebirth with the elements of nature that we use in our floral arrangements. The use of fresh flowers helps us to engage in the beauty and dignity of each celebration.
For weddings and special requests, please contact the parish office. If you are interested in volunteering as a member of the team please email contact the parish office.
"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." Romans 15:7
Our goal is to help individuals feel welcome and part of our CPP family, whether they are life-
Greeters at the entrance doors of the church are the first individuals encountered when arriving at Christ the Prince of Peace. Our ministry is an opportunity to extend a personal expression of Christian warmth and welcome to each person who enters our church. Our everyday lives can be very challenging and stressful. Many people look to our weekend liturgies as a chance to be uplifted and share Christ’s love with one another. It is the church greeter who opens the door to a kindly church and the potential of a spiritually refreshing worship experience. Our time commitment is only 10 minutes each week, at the start of each mass.
Join us! Interested in becoming a Welcomer? Please contact the Parish office.
Missio ignites God’s love by helping local missionaries to work alongside global communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.
Sometimes this need might be very specific: a motorbike for a Priest to celebrate Mass in remote villages; a simple community hall so people can gather together; vaccinations to protect vulnerable children. Whatever our missionaries need to help them share the joy of the Gospel, Missio strives to provide it. To get a red Missio box or be part of the team that collects the boxes please
For more information please contact the parish office
Hospitality and Social Events
Do you enjoy serving others, assisting with food catering or events planning? Then please become a volunteer in our Ministry! We have a growing need to find volunteers. If you are interested in joining the team please contact the parish office
Youth Group
If you are aged 11-
For more information please email cppyouthleader@gmail.com
Followers Youth Group
This is a group for children aged 7-
For more information please email Kelly cppfollowerswey@gmail.com
Prayerful Toddlers
This is a group for parents / carers and their little ones (0-
We meeting every Thursday during term time 9:15am-
For more information please contact Andreina cppprayerfultoddlers@gmail.com
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir is for Primary School aged children 4-
Please contact Helen for more information cppmusicgroup@gmail.com